Where to find a charity bid writer

An experienced charity bid writer can really help a non-profit organisation reach its goals. They’re not always easy to come by, but you can start your search to hire a freelance bid writer in the following places:

Job portals

Social media

Networking events

Attending business or charity networking events is a great way to meet people – typically solo professionals – who freelance in the third sector. Don’t expect to meet a bid writer straight away, instead focus on building relationships with those in your industry who may refer a bid writer to you in the future. Finding a charity bid writer who comes recommended by a trusted contact is key; word of mouth referrals are extremely powerful.

Woman writing in a notebook

Why hire a freelance charity bid writer?

Every charity is different but they all share one thing in common – they need funds. Funds come from many sources but it’s standard practice to apply for funding for specific projects. For example, a charity may wish to stage an event that they predict will cost them £3000. The charity would itemise the costs (promotional t-shirts, digital advertising campaigns, refreshments, attendee insurance etc) and then apply for funding to cover this project.

But where do you start when writing a charity bid? If you’re new to this, it can be a daunting task. This is when you would enlist the help of a freelance bid writer for charities. They’ll be able to guide you or even take on the project entirely, from preparation to submitting the bid on your behalf. Chances are, they’ll have done this before and have raise thousands of pounds. Now it’s your turn ?

Want to keep it in-house? Get bid writing training

If your charity is large enough to seek funding on a regular basis it may be more cost-effective to bring bid writing in-house, rather than outsource to a bid writing freelancer. There are two options here: 1) hire a professional bid writer as a full-time member of staff or 2) train up a member of your existing staff. Here are a few places that can help with the latter: